vision through the fog of absent mindedness

It starts with a fog. A sort of blur where you can just begin to see looks of light and dark. Those movements become soft silhouettes, shifting in the back of your mind – still just out of reach. It is what happens when we are out of the practice of being present. We see something, but it’s too out of focus to become a concept we can grasp. 

We are too distracted; we are too overwhelmed.

We try harder. Concentrating on the moving figures, trying to imagine what is behind our eyes – imagining what we want it to be. creativity steps in.

We begin to fill in the blanks. Making assumptions from the abstract shapes now taking form. They start to come to life.

Figures dancing, wind blowing. We begin to feel that moment, placing ourselves in a realm all but forgotten. 

The a lot more we seek, the a lot more we see. and the deeper we look, we discover layers and layers within and without. Until, at last the picture starts to become clear.

Then, like a hurricane broken loose from the skies, it returns. Inspiration. Vision.

As if the sludge has been wiped away from our weary eyes, unexpectedly we see again. Universes unimaginable. Creatures, places and worlds that were once so real, become real again.

They say imagination and dreams are for the youth. I say, it’s for those who aren’t blinded by practicality and burdens of life. For the things we dream are things themselves. and without them, we are less of ourselves.

The dream is real. and the world is without limits. Take time to be present. feel the world around you. and make it what you would have it be, a day in your dreams.

The Art: An artist’s depiction of vision through a fog of absent mindedness.



Only by being present, can we genuinely see. The a lot more we seek, the a lot more we see. and the deeper we look, we discover layers and layers within and without. Until, at last the picture starts to become clear. inspired by God’s unfathomable creation. 

“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. and the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” – Genesis 1:31

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