London fabric shopping

through no actual planning on my part, my hotel here in London is an easy twenty minutes’ walk from the remarkable Shaukat Fabrics, so guess where I ended up fairly soon-like after arriving in London? That above is a picture of one of the liberty Tana lawn walls; please to be clicking here and here for other views.

I gotten half as much as I did on my last trip, but, considering that 1) the dollar has sunk quite a bit considering that then and 2) I haven’t exactly attached up all I gotten last time, I don’t feel as if I lost my opportunities.

I gotten a great big chunk of this charming Varuna wool:

And three other pieces: two of the cricket-balls print (possibly called Schlesinger? Anyway, I want to make a big shirtdress in that) and one (about three meters) of the neuron print (that’s not its actual liberty name, but that’s what I call it).

I could have gotten fabrics that I *didn’t* already own in other colorways, fibers, and weights, but what would be the fun of that? In an optimal world, I’d only wear liberty print everything … the same patterns in wool, babycord, cotton lawn, and cotton twill, over and over again.

Yesterday I went to the extraordinary V&A “Golden Age of Couture” show — if you have any, any, any chance of going, GO. Go twice, if you can. I am not joking here, people. There was so much there — it just went on and on like a really good dream — and it was beautifully mounted, up to and including little line sketches on the information cards so that you could better understand the construction details. Cassie (from the V&A’s web site) and Melissa kept me company (and indulged my geeking out over all the pockets), and it was just wonderful. (Disclosure — Cassie got us complimentary tickets, but I would have absolutely paid the special entry fee anyway …)

Yet to come: a trip to actual Liberty, and possibly Muji — any individual want to tell me which branch of Muji in London is the best?

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London fabric shopping Day OneJuly 22, 2006
Ten things I’m going to Make just As soon As I get around To ItDecember 11, 2008With 64 comments
The Hippy Chick Dress. Finally.January 30, 2006

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